Saturday, July 21, 2012

The TFCRL story.

Unlike some roguelikes, I ideally would like story to be a big part of Tfcrl. Not a narrative of events like those in many more linear single player games, but story that comes out in the atmosphere and setting of the game. World building is something I really enjoy, and I am hoping that Tfcrl will give me some good opportunities to put some interesting ideas into the game.

General story of the game:
The world is in crisis, the elements have become increasingly dangerous and hard to control. Fires seems to have a mind of their own, leaping out of fireplaces to destroy entire villages in great infernos. Tornadoes and hurricanes have destroyed crop harvests making famines more and more of a possibility, to say nothing of their pure destructive powers applied to peoples settlements. Even the earth seems to be constantly roiling underneath one's feet. Distant rumors say that volcanoes have popped out of the ground where none were before. The ocean gives no respite from the dangers on land. Massive ships leave on long voyages never to return. The world is in crisis.

Believing the world is coming to an end, the common people have increasingly turned to the mysterious dangers of the old elemental cults. Even though their actions likely empower the forces of the elements, they have lost all other hope.

In a college on a remote island, thankfully away from most of the horrors of the mainland, a possible solution to the world's problems have been found. Academic magi of the long thought useless school of arcane magic have made a key discovery. If huge amounts of magic energy is applied in a certain precise way, a small portal into the elemental planes can be created. Through much research, the magi have determined the source of the worlds turmoil. The four elemental sibling gods, named Fire, Water, Earth, and Air, have gone to war with one another for complete control over the power of the elements.

Unfortunately, the magi only have enough magical energy to send one man, and a small selection of equipment, into a newly created portal. This one man is charged with assaulting the forces of the elemental gods and ultimately facing each of them in combat. Though unlikely, if this one man can succeed he will return victorious with the powers of the elements, ushering in a new golden age for all of earth's residents. This one man is you!

Next Time:
This is of course a rough draft of what the story will likely be in game, but I think it is important to grasp the game's setting so that some of my planned design decisions make sense. In the next few days I will be posting what I think of as central goals of what I want this game to be, as well as features that will help to meet these central goals.

Unfortunately due to a recent death in the family I have mostly been unable to work on developing the game itself. I am still motivated though and hope things settle down enough so that I can resume working on it soon.

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